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CEMI main activities are addressed to support refugee and asylum seekers academic and social inclusion.

One of the concrete measures taken according to this objective is represented by the UNIversity COrridors for REfugee (UNICORE) project. The general objective of the UNICORE project is to promote the right to high education for refugees through study corridors from third Countries to Italy and starting from the academic year 2021 – 2022 the University of Messina join the project financing 2 full scholarships (3 up to the 2023-2024 academic year). This step is fully in line with other initiatives taken in the past and currently active, such as the management of the scholarships financed by the Italian Ministry of the Interior and the CRUI - Conference of Italian University Rectors in order to support deserving young students in the continuation of the education path forcefully interrupted in the country of origin.